
2 unusual facts about Great Western Highway

Great Western Highway

In 1813, acting on the instructions of NSW Governor Lachlan Macquarie, Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth led an 1813 expedition that travelled west from Emu Plains and, by staying to the ridges, were able to confirm the existence of a passable route directly west from Sydney across the Blue Mountains.

Highways in Australia

By the end of his term in 1822 the colony had a network of three major roads, with the Great Western Road as the most important link, traversing the Blue Mountains from Sydney to Bathurst.

Bullaburra, New South Wales

It is one of the towns that stretch along the route of the Main Western railway line and Great Western Highway which pass over the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.

see also

Mount Victoria, New South Wales

The Roads and Maritime Services is at present researching a major upgrade to the Great Western Highway with the view to bypass the township and the steep Victoria Pass down to Little Hartley to the west.