
unusual facts about Greek culture

Kach and Kahane Chai

Kahane often pejoratively called other Knesset members "Hellenists" in Hebrew (a reference from Jewish religious texts describing ancient Jews who assimilated into Greek culture after Judea's occupation by Alexander the Great).


Arabic, Greek, Hindu, and Celtic are just some of the cultures that have spectrophilia folklore.

see also

Angelos Evert

The Evert family was of German aristocratic origin, and they were philhellenes (i.e. lovers of Greek culture) who permanently settled in Greece in the late 19th century and eventually took Greek citizenship.

Athena and Phevos

Prior to the Games, a group affiliated with the Societas Hellenica Antiquariorum called the Greek Society of the Friends of the Ancients and a Hellenic polytheistic group called the Committee for the Greek Religion Dodecatheon, devoted to the preservation of ancient Greek culture, sued over the mascots, claiming that they "savagely insult" Classical Greek culture.

Greek love

One of the ways in which Symonds and Whitman expressed themselves in their correspondence on the subject of homosexuality was through references to ancient Greek culture, such as the intimate friendship between Callicrates, "the most beautiful man among the Spartans," and the soldier Aristodemus.

History of Greek

As Greek culture under Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) and his successors spread from Asia Minor to Egypt and the border regions of India the Attic dialect became the basis of the Koiné (Κοινή; "common").

Literary criticism in Iran

Greek culture was cultivated during the philhellenic Arsacid dynasty, so much so that "in the courts of Arsacid kings Greek plays were performed in the original language".

Meïr Aron Goldschmidt

He belonged to a strictly orthodox family but his meeting with classical Greek culture changed much of this attitude and made him hereafter trying to balance between Jewish and non-Jewish thoughts.

Over the Wine Dark Sea

The book contains several references to Classical Greek culture, including The Odyssey, The Iliad (both based on the author's own translations), Aristophanes, Sophokles, Sokrates, and Platon.

Parthian art

Especially in the earliest Parthian capital of Nisa evidence could be discovered from the early Parthian period indicating the similarities to Greek culture.

Sabas Pretelt de la Vega

In the academic field, Pretelt was professor of Greek culture and pre-Socratic philosophy in the La Salle University, and of Projects Evaluation in the University of Valle.


Upon the request of the Greek Culture Delegation a ceremony was held in this building during the visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I to Tirilye on July 1, 2009.