
2 unusual facts about History of Greek

History of Greek

As Greek culture under Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) and his successors spread from Asia Minor to Egypt and the border regions of India the Attic dialect became the basis of the Koiné (Κοινή; "common").

Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were written in a kind of literary Ionic with some loan words from the other dialects.

see also

Commentaries on Plato

Eduard Zeller, (1895), Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy.

Karl Otfried Müller

In the last years of his life he undertook to prepare, for the English Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, a history of Greek literature, which in 1841 appeared posthumously as Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur bis auf das Zeitalter Alexanders (4th ed., revised and continued by Heitz, 1882–84).


Glen Van Brummelen (Glen) is an expert in the history of Greek and other early mathematics.

Teofilo Ruiz

In 1961, Ruiz left Cuba for Miami with "only three changes of clothing, $45, a box of Cuban cigars to sell and a Spanish translation of Jacob Burckhardt's A History of Greek Civilization."