The archives hold any documentary materials relating to the founding and establishment of the Green Committees of Correspondence, the Green Party of California, and the wider Green political movement in the USA and beyond.
Green Party of California: The California affiliate of the Green Party of the United States.
In November 2009, Fairfax, California gained a Green majority in city council, winning three out of five seats.
Republican Party (United States) | Democratic Party (United States) | California | University of California, Berkeley | Australian Labor Party | University of Southern California | Democratic Party | University of California | Berkeley, California | Liberal Party of Canada | Liberal Party of Australia | Republican Party | Liberal Party (UK) | Social Democratic Party of Germany | Liberal Party | Baja California | Southern California | Oakland, California | Santa Barbara, California | Nazi Party | Sacramento, California | Pasadena, California | New Democratic Party | Progressive Conservative Party of Canada | California Institute of Technology | Green Day | Democratic-Republican Party | Green Party | Democratic-Republican Party (United States) | Social Democratic Party |
Allison was a Green Party of California candidate for the Oakland City Council's District Two in 2006, progressing to a runoff election with incumbent Council member Pat Kernighan.
Along with Peter Camejo, Donna J. Warren, Forrest Hill, Michael Wyman, Larry Cafiero, and Todd Chretien, Mehul comprised the MVP slate of the 2006 Green Party of California candidates.