
3 unusual facts about Green Party of England and Wales

Barnstaple Western Bypass

Friends of the Earth campaigner and Green Party candidate Anthony Bown claimed it would disturb large numbers of seabirds on the Taw and Torridge Estuary, along with the habitat of endangered otters.

Ruislip Manor tube station

Local Green Party members commented that improved disability access has not been included in this overhaul.

United Kingdom elections, 2004

Of the minor parties, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party increased their number of councillors, whilst the United Kingdom Independence Party picked up a handful.

Bournemouth Council election, 2011

There were 176 candidates nomianted, comprised as follows: 54 Conservatives, 40 Labour, 39 Liberal Democrats, 24 Independents, 14 UK Independence Party, 4 Green Party and 1 Liberal Party.

Cherkley Court

This decision met with strong opposition and in August 2013 campaigners, including the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), the Surrey Green Party and the Leatherhead Residents' Association, won a High Court appeal to overturn that decision, on the basis that the project would have an adverse effect on a landscape and area of outstanding natural beauty, and that Surrey did not need another golf course, having 141 already.


In the 2003 local elections, the Green Party made its breakthrough in York, winning both Fishergate council seats by a significant majority and these seats were held in the 2007 local election.

International Socialist Group

The Group called for a first preference vote for the Green Party candidate, the eco-socialist Siân Berry, in the 2008 London mayoral election.

Mike Woodin

Michael Edward Woodin (6 November 1965 - 8 July 2004) was the Principal Speaker of the Green Party of England and Wales and a city councillor for Oxford from 1994 to 2004.


NO2ID's support is broad based including political parties on the political left (such as Respect and the Greens), in the centre (such as the Liberal Democrats) and on the right (such as the United Kingdom Independence Party and Conservative Future, though the Conservative Party has pledged to scrap the ID scheme).

Red-green alliance

Incumbent mayor Ken Livingstone, candidate for the Labour Party, formed an electoral pact with the Green Party mayoral candidate Siân Berry via the supplementary voting system, in which Labour voters were encouraged to place the Green candidate as their second preference, and vice versa.

see also