There are currently two elected members of the Green Party of Minnesota serving in the Minneapolis city government: Ward 2 city council member Cam Gordon, and at-large Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board commissioner Annie Young.
Andy Exley is an American politician and member of the Green Party of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ward 2 is considered one of the most diverse areas of Minneapolis, representing the University of Minnesota Minneapolis Campus and the Cedar-Riverside and Seward neighborhoods.
Despite this gain on the council, two Green incumbents on the council, Natalie Johnson Lee (Ward 6) and Dean Zimmermann (Ward 7), were unseated during the 2005 election.
In 2003 Elaine Fleming became the first elected Green mayor in Minnesota.
In 2005, Cam Gordon, a former chair of the Green Party of Minnesota, was elected in Ward 2 to the Minneapolis City Council, winning over DFLer Cara Letofsky in a 51% to 48% vote.
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Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board member Annie Young ran as the Green Party of Minnesota candidate.