Green Day | Green Party | Green Bay Packers | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Abbey Road Studios | Silk Road | Green | Green Lantern | Silver Spring, Maryland | Arab Spring | road | Green Acres | Al Green | Prague Spring | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | Dixon of Dock Green | Spring Awakening | Road Rules | Anne of Green Gables | Abbey Road | Tom Green | Road to Perdition | Bowling Green, Kentucky | spring | New Circle Road | Green River | road racing | Jinshajiang Road Station | Wood Green |
Millen is an unincorporated community in Hampshire County, West Virginia, USA between Donaldson and Green Spring on Green Spring Road (West Virginia Secondary Route 1) and the South Branch Valley Railroad.
Green Spring is the site of a one-lane low water toll bridge that connects Green Spring Road (West Virginia Secondary Route 1) to Maryland Route 51 in Oldtown, Allegany County, Maryland.