
3 unusual facts about Greg Costikyan

Digital Eel

James Cook, Greg Costikyan, Chris Cummings, Bob Dalgliesh, James Ernest, Thomas & Zoe Flint, Bruce Ladewig, Chris Laskowski, Kevin Matheny, Duncan McPherson, Deanna Molinaro, Joe Pallai, Jim Price, Richard Rouse III, Amy Schrader, Colton Sears, Corbin Sears, Chris Siegel, John Slade, James Sterrett, Brian Uhrig, Thom Wetzel, Ed Zavada

Greg Costikyan

Costikyan worked on game design for many years, including writing and consulting for Nokia.

Manifesto Games

A team of reviewers including Greg Costikyan and Emily Short post one review per day at the website, covering independent, alternative reality and 'big urban' games, interactive fiction, and mods.

see also