John Marshall | Marshall Islands | Gregory Peck | Marshall | Marshall Plan | Thurgood Marshall | Marshall Space Flight Center | Gregory of Tours | Order of St. Gregory the Great | Marshall McLuhan | Gregory Bateson | Pope Gregory VII | Penny Marshall | Gregory of Nyssa | Pope Gregory XIII | Marshall Crenshaw | John Marshall Harlan II | Pope Gregory XVI | Marshall Amplification | George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies | Alfred Marshall | Lady Gregory | John Marshall Harlan | Gregory S. Paul | Gregory Corso | We Are Marshall | Pope Gregory XV | Marshall Sahlins | Gregory of Nazianzus | George Marshall |
The founding Board of Directors and first Executive consisted of Terry McManus (President), Gregory Marshall (Vice-President), and other Canadian songwriting luminaries, including Eddie Schwartz (Hit Me With Your Best Shot) and Rich Dodson (Sweet City Woman), composer/arranger Maribeth Solomon, and lawyer/lyricist Stephen Stohn - plus Executive Director Donna Murphy.