In 2009, Prince and her husband established the Madison House Foundation, named after their youngest son who is autistic, for the purpose of addressing the perplexing issues facing individuals with autism as they transition to adulthood, along with those issues facing family members, caregivers and society at large.
She is married to pathology researcher and Mormon historian Gregory Prince and they have three children.
Prince of Wales | Charles, Prince of Wales | Prince | Prince Charles | Prince (musician) | Gregory Peck | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge | Prince Albert | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex | Port-au-Prince | Prince Caspian | Albert, Prince Consort | Prince Edward | Prince Philip | Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn | Gregory of Tours | crown prince | Prince of Orange | Prince Andrew, Duke of York | Order of St. Gregory the Great | Gregory Bateson | The Little Prince | Prince Harry | Pope Gregory VII | Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves | Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester | Prince Igor | Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany | Albert II, Prince of Monaco |