His next LP, issued in 1984, represented songs to verses by Grigore Vieru.
Musical lyrics were written Grigore Vieru and translated into Russian by Valentin Berestov and Eugene Agranovici.
Grigore Vieru | Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy | Grigore Ghica | Grigore Alexandrescu | Grigore Tocilescu | Grigore Mărăcuţă | Grigore II Ghica | Grigore Gafencu | Anatol Vieru |
One side, rallying many prominent Moldovan intellectuals, such as Grigore Vieru, Eugen Doga or Constantin Tanase, argues that Moldovans have always been Romanians, even if the modern history separated them from the rest of Romanians.