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Armando Montaño (2 December 1989 – 30 June 2012), a 22-year-old American student who had just recently graduated with a bachelor's degree from Grinnell College, was working as a news intern for the Associated Press in Mexico City, Mexico, when he was found dead in an elevator shaft in an apartment building in the Condesa neighborhood of the capital.
Though his father, who was originally from Wisconsin, had attended Grinnell College for two years, he ultimately led an agrarian lifestyle that took him to both New Mexico and Oklahoma before settling down in Burlingame to raise a family.
Whitaker serves on the boards of Partnership for Prevention, Grinnell College, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (co-chair of GlobalHealth Policy Roundtable), and the Economic Club of Chicago.
Whitaker received his undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Grinnell College in 1987, and in 1993 a master’s degree in public health from the Harvard School of Public Health and a medical degreefrom the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.
A graduate of the Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, Michigan, Miller earned a BA in American Studies from Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa.
Two years later, he went on to Des Moines North, taking over for seven years as a swimming coach from Jack McGuire, and also as a track coach, helping teams to take three state cross-country titles, before switching to work as track coach for a year at Grinnell College.
; Grinnell System : A combined offensive and defensive system created by Dave Arseneault, head coach at Grinnell College.
The Grinnell System is a fast-tempo style of basketball developed by coach Dave Arseneault at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, USA.
Grinnell was the young man to whom Horace Greeley is quoted as having given the famous advice, "Go West, young man." Grinnell was also involved in railway building and was instrumental in the move of Grinnell College, known at the time as Iowa College, from Davenport to the newly established town of Grinnell.
A recipient of numerous scholarly awards, including IREX and Fulbright fellowships, he has taught and lectured at Maimonides State Academy (Moscow), Duke University, the University of Kansas, Northwestern University, Princeton University, the University of Iowa, Grinnell College, and the Smithsonian.
Westfall taught history at various universities in the 1950s and 1960s: California Institute of Technology (1952–53), State University of Iowa (1953–57), and Grinnell College (1957–63).
George Frederick Magoun (1821–1896), first president of Iowa College, now Grinnell College
The large "Alpha and Omega Sundial" which sits next to the Noyce Science Center on the Grinnell College campus is named in honor of Gale's wife Harriet.
Harry Hopkins (1890–1946), one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's advisors and New Deal architect, lived in Grinnell as a teenager before attending Grinnell College.
His friendships with Warren Buffett and Robert Noyce were key factors in the growth of Grinnell College's endowment during his time as a Grinnell College trustee.