
unusual facts about Griqualand West

Cecil John Rhodes Statue

By 1880, Rhodes had integrated himself into the Political assembly of the Cape Colony which later amalgamated with other Boer communities, including the Griqualand West.

Cape Garrison Artillery

A small number of CGA members were also under the command of Sir Charles Warren in Griqualand West.

Cape Province

It was by far the largest of South Africa's four provinces, as it contained regions it had previously annexed, such as British Bechuanaland (not to be confused with the Bechuanaland Protectorate, now Botswana), Griqualand East (the area around Kokstad) and Griqualand West (area around Kimberley).

Walter Jesse Jackson

It is unknown if Jackson joined the tour party late, was unwell or just not chosen to play, but he missed the first four matches of the tour, not playing until the team faced Griqualand West at Kimberley on 20 July.

Willie Quaife

Quaife also played for W. G. Grace's London County team and spent the winter of 1912-13 playing for Griqualand West in South Africa.

see also

Western Cape Division

Originally the Cape Division had jurisdiction over the whole of the Cape Province, although concurrently with the Eastern Cape (Grahamstown) and Griqualand West (Kimberley) Local Divisions in their areas of jurisdiction.