
4 unusual facts about Grmeč


The Corrida of Grmeč was depicted by the sculptor Slobodan Pejić.

Mladen Stojanović

On 29 or 30 December 1941, Stojanović arrived in the area of Grmeč in western Bosanska Krajina, which was in the zone of responsibility of the 1st Krajina National Liberation Partisan Detachment.

On 30 December 1941, Stojanović arrived in the area of Grmeč, which was in the zone of responsibility of the 1st Krajina National Liberation Partisan Detachment.

Slobodan Pejić

The Grmeč Corrida is a bullfight that takes place annually on Grmeč, a mount in the extreme west of Bosnia, for over 200 years.


Grmeč |

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