
3 unusual facts about Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne

Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne

It also partly funded circles which revolved around itself, such as the Pareto circle at Sciences-Po, the Galilei circle in Dijon, the Jean Médecin circle in Nice, the Henry de Montherlant circle in Bordeaux, CLOSOR (Comité de liaison des officiers et sous-officiers de réserve, a military circle), GENE (Groupe d'études pour une nouvelle éducation, Study Group For a New Education), etc.

The publication of GRECE feature many articles on political philosophy, taking a lead from such authors as Carl Schmitt, Julien Freund, Vilfredo Pareto, Ernst Jünger, and ideologies such as communism, nationalism and liberalism.

Jean Haudry

Jean Haudry was a member of the Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne, and acted as chairman of its 13th symposium in 1978.

Armin Mohler

According to Michael Minkenberg, Mohler's ideas owed more to the Nouvelle Droite strain associated with GRECE than the Ostpolitik-derived ideas of a strong German state associated with contemporaries such as Robert Spaemann and Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner.

see also