
2 unusual facts about Guano

Archibald Mitchelson

He was chairman of Mitchelson Partners Ltd, as well as D. Davis & Sons Ltd, the shipbuilders J. Samuel White & Co Ltd, Old Silkstone Collieries Ltd, Admiralty Collieries Ltd, North's Navigation Collieries Ltd, Wharncliffe Collieries Ltd, Yorkshire Collieries Ltd, Great Universal Stores Ltd, Anglo-Continental Guano Works Ltd, Pangnga River Tin Concessions Ltd, Genatosan Ltd, and Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd.

Middle Sister Island

Guano from the Lake Erie population of double-crested cormorants is interfering with tree growth in the Carolinian forest on this island and the nearby East Sister Island and Middle Island.


guano | Guano Apes | Guano |

1952 Atlantic hurricane season

Late on October 24, the cyclone struck the small island of Cayo Guano del Estes in the Archipelago de los Canarreos, south of Cienfuegos, Cuba.

Alexis A. Julien

He visited the islands of Bonaire, Curaçao and Aruba in the West Indies (1881–1882), and investigated the guano deposits and geology of these islands.

In 1860 he went to the guano island of Sombrero as resident chemist, and continued there until 1864, also making studies of its geology and natural history, especially of its birds and land shells.

Antofagasta Region

Chileans explorers such as Juan López and José Santos Ossa discovered rich nitrate and guano deposits which produced a massive Chilean colonization of the coastline.

Auguste Dreyfus

In March 1876 a new contract for guano sales was agreed with the Peruvian Guano Company, formed by the London merchant bank Raphael & Sons, and the Peruvians Carlos Gonzales Candamo and Arturo Heeren.

Battle of Callao

Spain began its campaign by seizing the Chincha Islands, which were rich in guano, and demanding indemnity as recompense for the murder of two Spanish citizens in Lambayeque.

Chile–Peru relations

Aside from this matter of technical names, due to the lack of good diplomacy between the Spanish envoy and the Peruvian minister of foreign affairs, the Spanish "scientific expedition" invaded the Chincha Islands (Rich in guano) of Peru just off the coast of the port of Callao.


This means "bird-shit farang", as khi means waste and nok means (wild) bird; but, while khi nok may mean guano, it is also a species of fish, Diagramma pictum, a species of grunts Haemulidae.

Flint Island

It was leased by the British to Houlder Brothers and Co. of London who carried out guano digging in the central part of the island from 1875 to 1880 under field manager John T. Arundel.


As the Oxford English Dictionary notes, guanine is "A white amorphous substance obtained abundantly from guano, forming a constituent of the excrement of birds".

Islas Ballestas

Composed largely of rock formations and covering an estimated area of 0.12 km², these islands are an important sanctuary for marine fauna like the guanay guano bird, the blue-footed booby and the tendril.

Kumba Yo!

"Kumba Yo!" is a 2001 collaborative single by Guano Apes (credited as Guano Babes) featuring German comedian Michael Mittermeier.

Michael Mittermeier

In 2001, he was featured in the music video for the Guano Apes (credited here as the Guano Babes) song, "Kumba Yo".


It is also reported from the Khoa Rang Kai phosphate deposit, Chiang Mai, Thailand in a limestone guano deposit.

Samson Dyer

African Penguins had previously made nesting holes in the guano, but following removal of the guano, they took to nesting on open ground, making their nests easily accessible to predators such as the Kelp Gull.

see also