
2 unusual facts about Guernica

Events preceding World War II in Europe

It would prove to be a precursor to many of the tactics and methods employed in the Second World War, such as the test bombing of Guernica, which aimed to see how effective bombing of civilian areas could be.


Vizcarra (sometimes spelled as "Viscarra") is a Basque surname which originated in the town of Guernica, Spain.

Alain Resnais

(Braunberger went on to act as producer for several of Resnais's films in the following decade.) Resnais continued to address artistic subjects in Gauguin (1950) and Guernica (1950), which examined the Picasso painting based on the 1937 bombing of the town, and presented it to the accompaniment of a text written by Paul Éluard.

Ariel Sands

To date the chief clues to Sands' identity are in an interview she gave to Claire Messud for Guernica magazine.

Beatrice and Virgil

Early on in the story, the protagonist, an author, (some say that the protagonist is a reflection of Yann himself) makes reference to Primo Levi's If This Is a Man; Art Spiegelman's Maus; David Grossman's See Under: Love; Martin Amis's Time's Arrow; George Orwell's Animal Farm; Albert Camus's The Plague; and Pablo Picasso's Guernica.

Christl Verduyn

She is also a widely published poet, including the collection Silt (Guernica, 2002).

Do the Strand

The lyrics are, as is typical for early Roxy Music lyrics, intellectual references, including The Sphinx, Mona Lisa, Lolita and Guernica.

Gloria Victoria

Gloria Victoria uses mixed media techniques to create images that evoke bloody battlefields and the horrors of war, with imagery of combat and massacres from the bombing of Dresden in World War II to Guernica, from the Spanish Civil War to Star Wars, in a style inspired by expressionism, constructivism, cubism as well as surrealism.


The original vinyl album contained a comic book about the band, featuring artwork parodying Picasso's Guernica (renamed "Gwarnica" here) and poking fun at the "this is your brain on drugs" commercials ("This is your brain on Gwar...").

Octavio Vazquez

Lethe (1999), based on the "Guernica" Piano Trio, premiered by Carlos Kalmar and the Galicia Symphony Orchestra

Sayers Croft

The bombing of the Basque town of Guernica in Spain by planes of the German Luftwaffe's Condor Legion in 1937 made politicians realise the potential for destruction in British cities should another war with Germany break out in Europe.

Woodlands Academy, Coventry

In the main building there is a copy of the Guernica painting, which illustrates a stylised view of the 1937 Bombing of Guernica in Basque Spain by German and Italian bombers in the Spanish Civil War, in which the artist Pablo Picasso clearly expressed his abhorrence to the military suppression of the Spanish people.

see also