
3 unusual facts about Guf


The peculiar idiom of describing the treasury of souls as a "body" may be connected to the mythic tradition of Adam Kadmon, the primordial man.

In Jewish mysticism the Chamber of Guf (also Guph or even Gup) Hebrew for "body", also called the Otzar (Hebrew for "treasury"), is the Treasury of Souls, located in the Seventh Heaven.

According to Kabbalah, every human soul is just a fragment (or fragments) cycling out of the great "world-soul" of Adam Kadmon.


Sandro Bolchi

Born in Voghera, Bolchi, who was graduated in literature, made his debut as an actor in the "Guf" theater in Trieste, an experience that continued even after he moved to Bologna, where he also began his activity as journalist and stage director.

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