He contributed to the foundation of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica under the auspices of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, when its president was Guglielmo Marconi.
One of Clara's visitors provide it with some notability in the history of modern communications: Guglielmo Marconi.
Energy transmission without wires was pioneered by researchers such as Nikola Tesla, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, and Guglielmo Marconi.
The song refers to one of Marconi's then-new radio-oriented inventions, the Wireless Telephone, which became publicly available that year.
They were used by Hertz to demonstrate the existence of electromagnetic waves, as predicted by James Maxwell and by Lodge and Marconi in the first research into radio waves.
Companies with "Marconi" in their name can trace their ultimate origins, through mergers and takeovers, to The Marconi Company Ltd., founded by Guglielmo Marconi in 1897 as The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company.
The Glace Bay terminus is at the Marconi National Historic Site, which marks the location of the first radio transmission from North America to Europe, made by Guglielmo Marconi in 1902.
(Marconi had only achieved one-way transmissions prior to his date).
Popov has generally been recognized in Eastern Europe as an "inventor of radio" (although it may be more due to politics than historical evidence), in contrast to the West's recognition of Guglielmo Marconi as the first to develop a viable system based on radio (Herzian) waves.
Guglielmo Marconi, the man who invented radio, oversaw the construction of the first short-wave transmitter at Prato Smeraldo outside Rome on July 1, 1930.
Reggio Emilia railway station is situated at Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, at the eastern edge of the city centre.
The first patent for a radio system that allowed tuning was filed by Lodge in 1897, although the first practical systems were invented in 1900 by Anglo Italian radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi.
It is posed that Serbian engineer Nikola Tesla (whom the band is named after) is the true inventor of radio, while the Italian Guglielmo Marconi took the credit and is widely regarded as having the title.
The Marconi Conference Center State Historical Park"?title=Guglielmo Marconi">Guglielmo Marconi in 1913 to house personnel who staffed his transpacific radio receiver station nearby.
In 2000, Roberto Pinotti published material regarding the so-called "Fascist UFO Files", which dealt with a flying saucer that had crashed near Milan in 1933 (some 14 years before the Roswell, New Mexico crash), and of the subsequent investigation by a never mentioned before Cabinet RS/33, that allegedly was authorized by Benito Mussolini, and headed by the Nobel scientist Guglielmo Marconi.
Guglielmo Marconi | Marconi Company | Marconi | Marconi Electronic Systems | Premiata Forneria Marconi | Matra Marconi Space | Marconi Stadium | Guglielmo Oberdan | Guglielmo Cavallo | Enrico Marconi | Alenia Marconi Systems | Radio Marconi | Marconi scandal | Marconi Plaza | Marconi National Historic Sites of Canada | Marconi Communications | Marconi-class submarine | ''Marconi'' | Guglielmo Vaccaro | Guglielmo Tocco | Guglielmo Ratcliff | Guglielmo Plüschow | Guglielmo Picchi | Guglielmo Massaia | Guglielmo Libri Carucci dalla Sommaja | Guglielmo Achille Cavellini | David Marconi |
According to IMDB Seufert also directed actress Julie Harris as voice talent in five documentary projects and directed CBS journalist Walter Cronkite in a 2005 documentary about the early wireless stations of radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi.
Beginning around 1894, Oliver Lodge, Alexander Popov, and Guglielmo Marconi used it in the first historic experiments in radio communication, and it became the basis for radio reception, and remained in widespread use until about 1910.
In 1901 Fleming designed a transmitter for Guglielmo Marconi to attempt transmission of radio waves across the Atlantic from Poldhu, England, to Nova Scotia, Canada.
In modified versions of this legend, Sarnoff was not the first to hear the news (though Sarnoff willingly promoted this notion), but he and others did staff the Marconi wireless station (telegraph) atop the Wanamaker Department Store in New York City, and for three days, relayed news of the disaster and names of survivors to people waiting outside.
In October 1903,Guglielmo Marconi chose Lucania to carry out further experiments in wireless telegraphy, and was able to stay in contact with radio stations in Nova Scotia and Poldhu.
In June and July 1923, Guglielmo Marconi's transmissions were completed during nights on 97 meters from Poldhu Wireless Station, Cornwall, to his yacht Ellette in the Cape Verde Islands.
It was used by Guglielmo Marconi during his work on radio waves, receiving the first ship-to-shore message from the East Goodwin lightship, the first ship-to-shore distress message (when a steamship ran into the same lightship, and the lighthouse relayed the message up the coast to the Walmer lifeboat), and the first international transmission (from Wimereux, France, in 1899).
1901 – Guglielmo Marconi received the first transatlantic wireless message in St. John's in December from his wireless station in Poldhu, Cornwall.
Transatlantic radio communication was first accomplished on December 12, 1901 by Guglielmo Marconi who, using a temporary receiving station at Signal Hill, Newfoundland, received a Morse code signal representing the letter "S" sent from Poldhu, in Cornwall, United Kingdom.
Guglielmo Marconi achieved international fame in 1901 when he succeeded in sending a simple message in Morse code - the letter "s" - across the Atlantic from Cornwall in England to Newfoundland.