
unusual facts about Guidi


Guido Guidi (fl. 20th century), Italian comic book artist and penciller

Eton College Collections

Casa Guidi is a small house in Florence which was owned and inhabited by Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein

He was born in Trento (then in Austria, now in Italy), the youngest son of Count Guidobald Maria Thun und Hohenstein and of his wife, Teresa Guidi dei Marchesi di Bagno.

Guido Buffarini Guidi

In the film Massacre in Rome, Guido Guidi is portrayed by the similarly named Italian actor Guidarino Guidi.

Guido Guidi

A longtime Transformers fan, Guidi was brought in by Dreamwave Productions to be artist for their Transformers: Armada comic, doing issues #8-13 and returning for #18 after a four issue run by Don Figueroa.

Poppi Castle

In 1440 at the Battle of Anghiari, the Guidi's again took the wrong side and again took sides against Florence.

Vidus Vidius

While in Paris, Guido Guidi befriended artist Benvenuto Cellini and published a book on surgery, Chirurgia, in 1544.

What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Revolution?

Theatre director Don Albino Moncalieri and his only employee Guido Guidi are in desperate need of money.

see also