
3 unusual facts about Guillén de Castro y Bellvis

Guillén de Castro y Bellvis

At one time a captain of the coastguard, at another the protégé of Benavente, viceroy of Naples, who appointed him governor of Scigliano, patronized by Pedro Téllez-Girón, 3rd Duke of Osuna and Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares, Castro was nominated a knight of the order of Santiago in 1623.

He probably made the acquaintance of Lope de Vega at the festivals (1620-1622) held to commemorate the beatification and canonization of St Isidore, the patron saint of Madrid.

Love's Cure

A crucial source for the sole existing text has been identified as La fuerza de la costumbre (1625) by Guillén de Castro y Bellvis — though this could have been the source for Massinger's revision only, which must have been executed after that date.

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