Forbidden Truth: US-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy and the Failed Hunt for Bin Laden, by Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié, suggests that the attacks resulted from a breakdown in talks between the Taliban and the United States to run an oil pipeline through Afghanistan.
The next year he obtained a masters in political science in Paris-I, and later worked for Canal + and BFM.
Guillaume Apollinaire | Guillaume Dufay | Guillaume Brahimi | Guillaume de Machaut | Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes | Robert Guillaume | Guillaume | Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte | Guillaume Thomas François Raynal | Guillaume Lejean | Arnaud Guillaume de Barbazan | Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, Count D'Orsay | Pierre Guillaume | Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc | Jean Guillaume Bruguière | Jean Guillaume Audinet-Serville | Jean-Baptiste Claude Eugène Guillaume | Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer | Guillaume Grandidier | Guillaume Dupuytren | Guillaume Dubois | Guillaume du Bellay | Guillaume Depardieu | Guillaume de Nogaret | Guillaume Dasquié | Guillaume Couillard | Guillaume Canet | Guillaume Bigot | Guillaume-Antoine Olivier | Bois-Guillaume |