Guillaume Apollinaire | Guillaume Dufay | Guillaume Brahimi | Guillaume de Machaut | Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes | Robert Guillaume | Guillaume | Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet de la Motte | Guillaume Thomas François Raynal | Guillaume Lejean | Arnaud Guillaume de Barbazan | Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, Count D'Orsay | Pierre Guillaume | Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc | Jean Guillaume Bruguière | Jean Guillaume Audinet-Serville | Jean-Baptiste Claude Eugène Guillaume | Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer | Guillaume Grandidier | Guillaume Dupuytren | Guillaume Dubois | Guillaume du Bellay | Guillaume Depardieu | Guillaume de Nogaret | Guillaume Dasquié | Guillaume Couillard | Guillaume Canet | Guillaume Bigot | Guillaume-Antoine Olivier | Bois-Guillaume |
While still very young he showed great aptitude for drawing flowers and ornaments, and was placed with an engraver of maps named Dheulland, but he afterwards received lessons from Babel, an engraver of ornaments, and is said to have had also the benefit of the advice of Nicolas Edelinck, Balechou, and Cochin.