
unusual facts about Guilty plea

Oscar Wyatt

In 2007 he pled guilty in U.S. federal court in Manhattan to illegally sending payments to Iraq under the Oil for Food program.

see also

Alford plea

Legal scholar Jim Drennan, an expert on the court system at the Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, told the Winston-Salem Journal in a 2007 interview that the ability to use this form of guilty plea as an option in courts had a far-reaching effect throughout the United States.

Allan Chernoff

He broke news of the insider trading guilty plea of former ImClone CEO Sam Waksal; SEC fraud charges against WorldCom; the plan to dissolve accounting firm Arthur Andersen; Wall Street analyst Jack Grubman's conflict of interest settlement; the suicide of former Enron executive Cliff Baxter; and details of the global settlement between tobacco companies and the states.

LaMichael James

On March 9, 2010, head coach Chip Kelly announced that James would be suspended for the season opening game of the 2010 season, following his guilty plea for physical harassment against his former girlfriend.

Milken Institute

The institute was founded in 1991 by former Drexel Burnham Lambert banker Michael Milken, who is known for his role in the development of the market for high-yield bonds (also called junk bonds) during the 1970s and 1980s and his 1990 guilty plea to multiple felony charges that he violated US securities laws.

Sani Yakubu Rodi

He was hanged in a prison in Katsina State on January 3, 2002, for the 2001 fatal stabbing of a woman and her two children; however, he did not have legal representation at his trial (opting for self-defense), and had pleaded not guilty at his initial hearing, but had changed to a guilty plea at a later hearing, after which he was sentenced to death by hanging.

Todd Boulanger

Documents released with Boulanger's guilty plea include emails by Boulanger, Abramoff, and Ring discussing giving "Staffer E" -- identified by the Associated Press as Sen. Thad Cochran aide Ann Copland -- tickets for ice skating and Paul McCartney and Green Day concerts.