
unusual facts about plea bargain

Gwendolyn Graham and Cathy Wood

During the trial, Wood plea-bargained her way to a reduced sentence, claiming that it was Graham who planned and carried out the killings while she served as a lookout or distracted supervisors.

David Westerfield

When the trial was over, the media, quoting unnamed police sources, reported that Westerfield's lawyers were just minutes away from negotiating a plea bargain when a private citizen's group, started by the Laura Recovery Center and concerned local citizens, found Danielle's body.

Lionel Tate

Tate's mother, a Florida Highway Patrol trooper, and the defense had turned down a plea bargain arrangement which would have allowed Tate to serve a three-year term for second-degree murder in a youth facility followed by 10 years' probation but instead, his mother insisted on going to trial in hopes of an acquittal.

Michelle Alexander

In turn, the man then built a strong anger toward her, saying in effect "I'm innocent ...; it was just a plea bargain"; and that she "was no better than the police" and "You're crazy if you think you're going to find anyone here to challenge the police who is not already 'in the system'?"; he ended by stalking out, tearing up his notes as he went.

Wolfgang Bodison

He was a film location scout and assistant to director Rob Reiner, when he was asked to take part in a screen test for the part of the authoritative Lance Cpl. Dawson in the movie A Few Good Men in which, accused of murder, he practically coerces lawyer Tom Cruise into putting up a fight in court rather than take the easy way out with a plea bargain.

see also

Pierre Pierce

In August 2005, he reached a plea bargain and pled guilty to third-degree burglary, assault with an intent to commit sexual abuse, false imprisonment, and fourth-degree criminal mischief in Dallas County District Court.