
3 unusual facts about Gumps


Gump's, a luxury American home furnishings and home décor retailer, founded in San Francisco in 1861

GUMPS, a widely used acronym used by airplane pilots as a mental check-list to ensure nothing critical has been forgotten before landing

The Gumps, a comic strip about a middle-class family, which ran in newspapers from 1917 until 1959


The Gumps | GUMPS |

The Gumps

Between 1923 and 1928, Universal Pictures produced at least four dozen Gumps two-reel comedies starring Joe Murphy (1877–1961), one of the original Keystone Cops, as Andy Gump, Fay Tincher as Min and Jack Morgan as Chester.

After The Gumps were finally heard on WGN in 1931, the series moved to CBS for a four-year run (1934-1937), produced and directed by Himan Brown with scripts by Irwin Shaw.

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