He encouraged Strauss to write his first opera Guntram, but was deeply disappointed at the final version of the libretto, which Ritter took to be a rejection of Schopenhauerian-Christian ideals.
When Sigebert was assassinated later that year (575), Chilperic invaded the kingdom, but Guntram sent his general Mummolus (always Guntrams main weapon, for he was the greatest general in Gaul at the time) to remove him and Mummolus defeated Chilperic's general Desiderius and the Neustrian's forces retreated from Austrasia.
He wrote many operatic roles for her, such as Freihild in Guntram.
This pair succeeded in persuading Guntram, King of Burgundy, that they had been condemned unjustly, and appealed to the pope.
Guntram |
Being of noble birth, he was brought up in the royal court of Guntram, but wanted to become a priest, and was ordained by Saint Syagrius of Autun, and eventually was made Bishop of Auxerre.
In 589, when the Frankish king Guntram sent an army under the general Boso into Septimania in support of a rebellion by the Arian archbishop Athaloc, Claudius was sent by King Reccared to defeat it.
Desiderius (died 587) was a Gallo-Roman dux in the Kingdom of the Franks during the reigns of Chilperic I and Guntram.
When Sigebert I of Austrasia died in 575, Chilperic sent Desiderius to invade his kingdom, but Guntram of Burgundy sent the patrician Mummolus against him and Desiderius was defeated and forced to retreat, leaving Austrasia to Sigebert's son Childebert II.
Gundowald fled to Comminges and Guntram's army set down to besiege the citadel (now known as Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges).
The Guntram and Irene Rinke Foundation is a German nonprofit organization based in Hamburg which awards an annual literary prize for nostalgic literature.
Guntram of Burgundy later had Jovinus arrested as he travelled with Theodore, Bishop of Marseille, to meet Childebert II, because Guntram was then in rivalry concerning the diocese of Marseille.
His father Guntram Mathis, is the ski technician for Bode Miller.
He was bishop of Autun from around 560 until his death and travelled to Nanterre with Guntram for the baptism of Clotaire II.