His latter years were spent in cataloguing the Spanish manuscripts in the British Museum; he had previously continued Bergenroth's catalogue of the manuscripts relating to the negotiations between England and Spain in the Simancas archives.
Adolf Hitler | Gustav Mahler | Gustav Klimt | Gustav Holst | Gustav III of Sweden | Adolf Eichmann | Gustav I of Sweden | Gustav Meyrink | Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle | Gustav Stresemann | Gustav Noske | Emil Adolf von Behring | Adolf Schwarz | Gustav III | Gustav, Hereditary Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg | Gustav Fischer | Adolf Hurwitz | Hurricane Gustav | Gustav Nossal | Gustav Meier | Gustav Hertzberg | Gustav Albrecht, 5th Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg | Adolf von Harnack | Adolf Seilacher | Adolf Loos | Adolf | Johann Gustav Droysen | Heinrich Gustav Magnus | Gustav Stickley | Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach |