
45 unusual facts about Adolf Hitler

Adebowale Ogungbure

In retaliation he placed two fingers above his mouth and saluted at the crowd – a reference to Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler's possible monorchism

In November 2008, the discovery of an eye-witness account on how Hitler was treated after being shot on the Western Front during World War I was announced in the press.

It can now be affirmed that the British Tommies were right all along in the first line of their version of the Colonel Bogey March, they were although manifestly mistaken in the last—that is to say, unless Goebbels' six children were the progeny of adoption, paternal surrogacy or some hitherto unconsidered, presumably unpalatable "Gott mit uns" form of divine intervention.

Adrien Arcand

Arcand never wavered in his belief in Adolf Hitler, and, in the 1960s, was a mentor to Ernst Zündel, who became a prominent Holocaust denier and neo-Nazi propagandist in the latter part of the 20th century.

American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold

Much like Adolf Hitler and his rise to power in real-life 1930s Germany, an antagonist named Jake Featherston rides a fascist wave to power in this desperate Confederacy of the Great Depression.

Annandale Way

He was the commander of RAF Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain, and is generally credited with playing a crucial role in Britain's defence, and hence, the defeat of Hitler's plan to invade Britain.

Aryan Games

Adolf Hitler told Albert Speer that after the German Stadium was built, there would be no more Olympic Games, only the Aryan Games.

Barack Obama assassination plot in Tennessee

A photograph of Cowart celebrating the birthday of Adolf Hitler with other members was on the group's website.

Billy Brown of London Town

Billy Brown was also a mascot on sorties over Berlin during the war, with the advice "I trust it suffers no deflection, this stuff is for the Hun's correction" (i.e. Adolf Hitler.).

Blood Quran

However, he said that it should never be displayed in a museum as no Iraqi would want to see it, but it could perhaps be held in a private museum like Hitler or Stalin memorabilia.

Cartographic propaganda

Adolf Hitler's schoolroom map of "Deutschland" in 1935 presented all the German-speaking areas surrounding Germany without borders, claiming them as part of the Reich .

Code talker

Adolf Hitler knew about the successful use of code talkers during World War I.

E. S. Gosney

:You will be interested to know that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program.

Filinto Müller

He was dismissed from his post when Vargas switched sides, approaching Brazil to the Allies against Adolf Hitler.

Frank Leech

In 1937 he gave shelter to a number of anarchists of the Schwarzrotgruppe (a group advocating the assassination of Adolf Hitler), fleeing Nazi Germany after a foiled plot to end the Führer's life.

Gents Without Cents

The Stooges' audition for the agent includes parodies of Hideki Tōjō (Larry), Benito Mussolini (Curly), and Adolf Hitler (Moe).

Giles family

Much of Giles's World War II work had been cartoons featuring Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and the typical British Tommy, but he felt the need to expand after the War, hence the family.

Hermann Stehr

In 1934 Stehr wrote a letter to Adolf Hitler, which was a protest against the president of the police and SA-Obergruppenfűhrer Heines who pursued a policy of terror and violence against citizens.

Highest military ranks

In 1940 Nazi Germany, Hermann Göring was promoted by Adolf Hitler to Reichsmarschall, the highest rank in the armed forces of Nazi Germany during World War II, (after the position of supreme commander, which was held by Hitler himself).

Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

The military hymnbook of the evangelic church of 1939 added a conclusion verse which praised the Führer Adolf Hitler.

Jean Brodie

When Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, she changes her holiday destination to Berlin, believing Hitler's brownshirts to be more organised than Mussolini's blackshirts.

Johanna Kirchner

In 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power, and the dedicated anti-fascist had to go underground, as her help in freeing an anti-Nazi from the Gestapo became known, leading to the danger of her possible arrest.

Laguna Diversion Dam

They were placed there prior to Adolf Hitler's effectively having altered the popular meaning of the swastika within Western societies.

Littleton Coin Company

Sundman and Littleton moved from a concentration upon advertising in magazines targeted to a young male readership to ads in the Sunday supplements inserted into mass circulation newspapers, with one particularly successful campaign which offered 10 free Bohemia-Moravia stamps depicting Adolf Hitler ultimately distributing half a million sets, boosting the company's mailing list, and cementing Littleton's place as one of the "Big Five" American stamp dealers of the day.

Marge Schott

She was banned from managing the team by the MLB from 1996 through 1998 due to statements in support of German domestic policies of Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler; shortly afterwards, she sold the majority of her share in the team.

Married Love

In 1935 a survey of American academics said Married Love was one of the 25 most influential books of the previous 50 years, ahead of Relativity by Albert Einstein, Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and The Economic Consequences of the Peace by John Maynard Keynes.

Mary Lou Petty

Despite food poisoning, she managed to place 4th in the competition and recalls observing both German Leader Adolf Hitler and athlete Jesse Owens at the games.

Max Hirschberg

Hirschberg confronted in court directly Adolf Hitler; he was imprisoned, but released because of his conduct during World War I and allowed to practice law even after the 1933 Nazi election.

New International Encyclopedia

An early description of Adolf Hitler and his activities from 1920 to 1924 is in the supplement to the 1926 edition.

Otto and Elise Hampel

They composed postcards denouncing Hitler's government and left them in public places around the city.

Pope Pius XII and Poland

The invasion of predominantly Catholic Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939 ignited the conflict and was followed soon after by a Soviet invasion of the Eastern half of Poland, in accordance with an agreement reached between the dictators Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.

Ramon Zamora

Zamora's most popular stock character in the show was a military-clad figure that bore an unmistakable physical resemblance to Adolf Hitler, who spoke in bastardized German and spouted catchphrases such as "Isprakenheit".

Reverend Black Grape

In addition, the song contains a brief audio clip of Adolf Hitler at one of his rallies.

Roma Ostiense railway station

To commemorate the forthcoming visit of Adolf Hitler to Rome in 1938, the current Ostiense station was built, replacing an existing rural railway station, with the aim of creating a monumental station to receive the German dictator.

Rugby by-election, 1942

The retired Rugby Conservative MP, David Margesson warned voters that Adolf Hitler would gloat if Brown got in.

Serbian State Guard

Nedić had threatened to resign several times previously for similar reasons, but on this occasion the Germans took it more seriously and offered him an audience with Adolf Hitler.

Sleepers, Wake!

Thomas Edison and Henry Ford have shaped human experience more broadly and enduringly than Lenin and Hitler.

The Gates of Saturn

In a Christmas show, Dale dressed as Adolf Hitler shouted the first lines to ever appear in the show, with the words "Achtung Juden!", which caused outrage and shock in what was still a liberal television age;

The New Adventures of Flash Gordon

The change in format resulted in the story being significantly expanded with a subplot of Ming secretly giving military technology to Hitler being dropped, as well as being set in the present day rather than during World War II.

The Open Society and Its Enemies

Moreover, Hook calls Popper's treatment of Hegel "downright abusive" and "demonstrably false", noting that "there is not a single reference to Hegel in Hitler's Mein Kampf".

Total Carnage

Ahkboob transforms into several forms, including a series of three giant heads, one head as himself, one as the German Nazi Party Dictator Adolf Hitler, and one deformed red head.


In 1933 the project was submitted to the German government, receiving the personal approval of Adolf Hitler.

Voice of America Bethany Relay Station

The Office of War Information began broadcasting in July 1944 and Adolf Hitler is said to have denounced the "Cincinnati liars".


Franz von Papen: German nobleman, Roman Catholic monarchist politician, General Staff officer, and diplomat, who served as Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and as Vice-Chancellor under Adolf Hitler in 1933 to 1934, and who helped him come to power, was born in Werl on 29 October 1879.


Al Taylor, recruited from WCAU Philadelphia (Present Day WPHT), and a former newspaperman who had interviewed Adolf Hitler, would become the first program director, and Herbert W. Brown became chief engineer.

Adelaide Livingstone

Dame Adelaide Stickney Lord Livingstone, DBE (died 1970) was responsible for organising the Peace Ballot in 1934-35 to gauge the British public's sentiment in the winds of upcoming war with a rearming and aggressive Germany led by Adolf Hitler.

After Dachau

The Nazis had won World War II and purged their empire of all non-whites, then rewrote history so as to say that Dachau, a concentration camp, was instead a battle with Adolf Hitler as its hero.

Alfred Schneidereit

In November 1943 Schneidereit's Division was returned to the Eastern Front for the Battle of Kursk where he was wounded twice more and was awarded the Iron Cross 1st class and the Knight's Cross from Adolf Hitler.

Amalie Seidel

She was briefly imprisoned after the attempted murder on Adolf Hitler in 1944.

Anne O'Hare McCormick

Prior to the outbreak of World War II, McCormick obtained interviews with Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, German leader Adolf Hitler, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill, President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt, Popes Pius XI and XII, and other world leaders.

Automated Lip Reading

The technology was used successfully to analyse silent home movie footage of Adolf Hitler taken by Eva Braun at their Bavarian retreat Berghof.

Behavioural genetics

Subsequently, Adolf Hitler is believed to have been motivated by Galton's work in enacting the Final Solution during World War II.

Ben Folds Live at MySpace DVD

A highlight of the show is an appearance by comedian Greg Roman in the persona of Titler, a cross-dressing version of Adolf Hitler, singing "Cross the Line," a parody of the Johnny Cash hit "Walk the Line".

Charley Fox

As Rommel was soon afterwards implicated in the assassination plot against Adolf Hitler, he was allowed to commit suicide and his death was announced as a result of injuries from the air attack.

Colm Brogan

In Who are « the People » published in 1943, he developed the idea that political ideologies of the Left are responsible for the raise to power of Adolf Hitler.


In the 1930 Reichstag elections, 7.7% of the local votes went to Adolf Hitler’s party.

East Meon

During the Second World War, Hitler's Luftwaffe dropped 38 high explosive bombs and an estimated 3,500 incendiary bombs in the Parish; the only loss of life, however, was a pig.

Eddie Ward

In his reply, Ward was bitterly hostile to the Prime Minister, calling him "a posturing individual with the scowl of a Mussolini, the bombast of a Hitler and the physical proportions of a Göring".

Edward Grigg, 1st Baron Altrincham

Grigg's return to politics coincided with the rise to power of Adolf Hitler as German chancellor.

Frauenkirche, Nuremberg

In Triumph of the Will, Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 propaganda film about the 1934 Nuremberg Rally, the final scene consists of a military parade through downtown Nuremberg, with Adolf Hitler shown receiving salutes from Nazi troops with the Nuremberg Frauenkirche in the background.

Fritz Klimsch

In the era of National Socialism Klimsch was highly regarded as an artist, and created busts of Erich Ludendorff, Wilhelm Frick and Adolf Hitler.

Gays, Illinois

West of the outhouse is the former site of what was claimed to be Hitler’s bicycle.

Gottlob Berger

The sentence was reduced to 10 years in 1951 because of his refusal to kill The Prominente in Oflag IV-C at Colditz Castle, despite direct orders from Adolf Hitler.

Harald Schumacher

A French newspaper poll asked which was the least popular man in France, and Schumacher beat Adolf Hitler into second.

Hidden Fuhrer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler's Sexuality

Hidden Führer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler's Sexuality is a documentary film based on the research of German Professor Lothar Machtan for his 2001 book The Hidden Hitler that claimed Adolf Hitler was a homosexual.

Infanterie Greift An

Infanterie Greift An was first published in 1937 and helped to persuade Adolf Hitler to give Rommel high command in World War II, although he was not from an old military family or the Prussian aristocracy, which had traditionally dominated the German officer corps.

Irish Republican Army – Abwehr collaboration in World War II

From the IRA's point of view, this was a means to an end- they had no love for the policies of Éamon de Valera, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin.

Judith Haspel

Along with fellow swimmers Ruth Langer and Lucie Goldner, she refused to compete at the Berlin Games in protest of Adolf Hitler, stating, "I refuse to enter a contest in a land which so shamefully persecutes my people." This angered Austrian sports authorities who banned her from competition.

Konrad Heiden

Konrad Heiden (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) was an influential Jewish journalist and historian of the Weimar Republic and Nazi eras, most noted for the first influential biographies of German dictator Adolf Hitler.

Lanka Sama Samaja Party

Of these acts Dr. N. M. Perera said: 'I thought racialism of this type died with Houston Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler.

Maureen Potter

On a tour of Germany, they once performed in front of Adolf Hitler and other Nazis.

Murderer's Muse

Following after GWAR's retreat from battle in War Is All We Know, Murderer's Muse details this escape as GWAR hide in the underground tunnels beneath their fortress, eventually coming across Jitler, a being created due to Adolf Hitler's crimes being so vast he had to merge with Jesus Christ as the song details "right at the ass".

National Socialist Movement of Chile

Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile was a political movement in Chile, during the Presidential Republic Era, which initially supported the ideas of Adolf Hitler, although it later moved towards a more indigenous form of fascism.

Nemesis the Warlock

Through Past life regression it is shown that he was many people from Earth's history, including Colonel John Chivington, Adolf Hitler and the original Torquemada himself.

Paul Schmitthenner

Paul Schmitthenner (15 December 1884 – 11 November 1972) was a German architect and city planner from Lauterbourg, Alsace-Lorraine, one of Adolf Hitler's architects.

Price v. United States

The property in dispute was a number of works of art which had been owned by Heinrich Hoffmann (1885–1957), a German photographer best known for his many published photographs of Adolf Hitler.

Ruin value

The idea was supported by Adolf Hitler, who planned for such ruins to be a symbol of the greatness of the Third Reich, just as Ancient Greek and Roman ruins were symbolic of those civilisations.

Selling Hitler

In 1981, Gerd Heidemann (Jonathan Pryce), a war correspondent and reporter with the German magazine Stern, makes what he believes is the literary and historical scoop of the century: the personal diaries of Adolf Hitler.

The Berlin Batman

In Berlin, Germany in the year 1938, wealthy socialite Baruch Wane learns from his friend Komissar Garten that the police have confiscated the library, works, and notes of Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises, due to his stance against the Nazi Party policy of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

Toronto Street News

Brean cited several articles published by the paper, including a claim Liberal party member Bob Rae had secretly changed his name from "Levine" (to conceal the fact that he is actually Jewish) and a claim that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's real birthday is the same as Adolf Hitler, which the paper claimed “looks good on a resume” for “New World Order types.”

Tours of the Black Clock

The narrative concerns itself with two of the most influential figures of the 20th century, as Adolf Hitler appears as an important character, and allusions are made to Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity.

Two Down and One to Go

Opening with a fasces being splintered over Italy, and a swastika being exploded over Germany, the film cuts to an Arthur Szyk caricature of Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and Hideki Tōjō, an X being superimposed on the respective dictators, then turning to Tojo.


In the 1930 Reichstag elections, 3% of the local votes went to Adolf Hitler’s party, but by the time of the 1933 Reichstag elections, after Hitler had already seized power, local support for the Nazis had swollen to 36.1%.

Walther Mayer

In 1933, after Hitler's assumption of power, he followed Einstein to the United States and became an associate in mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

Whetstone, London

Whetstone may have been the venue for a secret meeting between Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess during World War II.


In May 2009, the Pez corporation sent a cease-and-desist letter regarding two YTMNDs depicting fake Pez dispensers with Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson's heads on the containers, which they found insulting, and demanded that YTMND refrain from allowing any Pez-related items to be displayed on the site.