
4 unusual facts about Gustl Bayrhammer

Königlich Bayerisches Amtsgericht

The series features many famous Bavarian actors like Gustl Bayrhammer, Hans Baur and Max Grieser.

Pumuckls Abenteuer

He is invisible to people around him except for chef Odessi (Towje Kleiner) with whom Pumuckl lives, since he left his fried master carpenter Eder (Gustl Bayrhammer) during the events of the 1994 cinematric movie Pumuckl und der blaue Klabauter (Pumuckl and the blue Klabauter).

Due to his dead in 1993 actor Gustl Bayrhammer could not reprise his role of Meister Eder (Master carpenter Eder).


Important artists were and are Schlaraffen (for example, Franz Lehár, Gustl Bayrhammer, Peter Rosegger and many more).

see also