
5 unusual facts about Gutzon Borglum

Brackenridge Park Golf Course

An adjacent building to the Brackenridge Park Golf Clubhouse once served as the working studio for artist Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor who created the heads of the U.S. Presidents on Mount Rushmore.

Charles E. Rushmore

Forty years after the initial 1885 naming, Rushmore donated $5000 towards Gutzon Borglum's sculpture of the four presidents' heads on the mountain - the largest single contribution.

John William Mackay

A statue of John Mackay by Gutzon Borglum stands in front of the Delmare Library on the university campus in Reno, Nevada.

Robert D. Kohn

Of the four sculpted figures in the uppermost floors, two are by Kohn's wife, and the other two are by Gutzon Borglum.

William D. Hoard

In honor of Hoard's service to the dairy industry, a statue of Hoard by Gutzon Borglum was erected in 1922 at the head of Henry Mall of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, which was the original quadrangle of the university's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Flying Hawk

He had written that during the previous winter of 1930-31 his little band was saved from starvation only through contributions from Gutzon Borglum and the American Red Cross.

see also