
2 unusual facts about Gwalia

Leonora, Western Australia

The Sons of Gwalia gold mine brought Leonora to the attention of the world.

Leonora had a single track passenger tramway linking the town and nearby Gwalia, from 1901 to 1921.

Idris Davies

He is now best known for the verses Bells of Rhymney from his 1938 Gwalia Deserta (meaning literally "Wasteland of Wales"), which were later adapted into a popular folk song.

Sons of Gwalia

was formed in 1897 by George William Hall, major investor William Pritchard Morgan and others to own and operate the Sons of Gwalia mine, which had been discovered in March 1896 by prospectors A. Glendinning, Jack Carlson and Frank White, who had named it after the Welsh homeland of the syndicate funder, Coolgardie storekeeper Thomas Tobias.

see also