
5 unusual facts about Gylfi


the name of the ancient Swedish king Gylfi, given while in disguise, as described in the book Gylfaginning collected in the Prose Edda


Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda and the Ynglinga saga tell how the supposedly historic (Non-deified version of Odin) Odin and his people the Æsir and Vanir, who later became the Swedes, obtained new land where they built the settlement of Old Sigtuna.

Gefjon transformed her four sons into oxen and took enough land to create the Danish island of Zealand, leaving the Swedish lake Mälaren.

The traditions on Gylfi deal with how he was tricked by the gods and his relations with the goddess Gefjon.


In the chapter, the enthroned figure of High tells the disguised mythical king Gangleri about the god Heimdallr, including that he is the son of nine sisters.

Gylfilites' Guild

The Gylfilites are named after the mythical Scandinavian king Gylfi and describe themselves as a religious organisation aligned "according to the teachings of the Eddas".

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon

Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon was born in the West End of Reykjavík.

see also