
unusual facts about Hörselberg-Hainich


Since 1 December 2007, it is part of the municipality Hörselberg-Hainich.


Blankenburg, Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis, a German municipality in the Unstrut Hainich district of Thuringia

Oliver Bimber

Together with Rolf R. Hainich, Bimber is co-author of the book Displays: Fundamentals and Applications (2011), and wrote Spatial Augmented Reality (2005) together with Ramesh Raskar (MIT).

Opfermoor Vogtei

A display on the early history of the Hainich region based primarily on discoveries at the site is planned for the Hainich National Park near Kammerforst.

Volkenroda Abbey

Volkenroda Abbey (Kloster Volkenroda) is a former Cistercian monastery in the municipality of Körner in the Unstrut-Hainich district of Thuringia, Germany.

see also