Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Dover Prize, indicating they were ships taken as prizes by one of the ships named HMS Dover.
Dover | HMS Beagle | HMS Victory | HMS M31 | HMS Bounty | HMS M23 | HMS ''Humber'' | Dover Publications | HMS ''Bounty'' | HMS M27 | HMS M25 | HMS Investigator | Dover Castle | HMS M33 | HMS ''Beagle'' | White Cliffs of Dover | London, Chatham and Dover Railway | HMS Plumper (1848) | HMS Endeavour | Dover International Speedway | HMS ''Victory'' | HMS Royal Charles | HMS Queen Mary | HMS ''Plumper'' | HMS Britannia | Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District | HMS ''Investigator'' | HMS ''Express'' | HMS Duke of Wellington | HMS ''Britannia'' |