In due course the southern reefs were surveyed by Captain H. M. Denham (ms, 1860) in the HMS Herald in 1858–60
Boston Herald | HMS Beagle | New York Herald Tribune | The Sydney Morning Herald | The New Zealand Herald | HMS Victory | Herald | HMS M31 | HMS Bounty | HMS M23 | HMS ''Humber'' | The Miami Herald | HMS ''Bounty'' | New York Herald | HMS M27 | HMS M25 | HMS Investigator | Herald Sun | HMS M33 | HMS ''Beagle'' | Washington Times-Herald | Los Angeles Herald-Examiner | HMS Plumper (1848) | HMS Endeavour | Calgary Herald | HMS ''Victory'' | HMS Royal Charles | HMS Queen Mary | HMS ''Plumper'' | HMS Britannia |
The HMS Plover under Commander Thomas Moore was sent from England to join the HMS Herald under Henry Kellett which was already in the Pacific.
Denham Bay was named for Capt Henry Mangles Denham of the HMS Herald, who charted the island in July 1854, and for his son Fleetwood James Denham, who died from a tropical fever at the age of sixteen, and was buried near the beach at the head of Denham Bay, alongside the small number of graves from early settlers on the island.
The Fiji Petrel was originally known from one immature specimen found in 1855 on Gau Island, Fiji by naturalist John MacGillivray on board 'HMS Herald' who took the carcass to the British Museum in London.
denhamii owes its discovery to Scots William Grant Milne (?-1866), a gardener at the Edinburgh Botanic Garden, who joined the HMS Herald expedition to the south-western Pacific (1852-1856) as a botanist.