
unusual facts about Hacıosman, Manyas


Manyas |

Cossacks in Turkey

As of 1927, there were three Cossack villages in Turkey: Eski Kazaklar (later officially renamed as Kocagöl, the earlier settlement on the southwestern tip of Lake Manyas) and Yeni Kazaklar (founded by a community that left Eski Kazaklar and located on the northern shore of Lake Manyas) in Manyas district of Balıkesir Province, and Kazak (on the eastern shore of Lake Akşehir) in Akşehir district of Konya Province.

Global spread of H5N1 in 2005

It is believed that the disease had spread from migratory birds that land at the Manyas bird sanctuary (a few miles from the infected farm) on their way to Africa.

Hacıosman, Manyas

What distinguished Hacı Osman köyü from all the other farming villages in the world was the fact that, until 1992, it was one of the few villages where the inhabitants spoke the Ubykh language in their daily lives.

see also