
4 unusual facts about Hacienda San Antonio de Petrel

Daniel Ortúzar

He was a farmer at San Antonio de Petrel hacienda and at Cailloma quinta, from 1896 and until his death in 1932.

History of Pichilemu

In 1611, a piece of land near Topocalma was given by the Captaincy General of Chile to Bartolomé de Rojas y Puebla, who later acquired more lands to establish Hacienda San Antonio de Petrel.

José María Caro Martínez

Caro Martínez had previously served for several years as llavero (administrator) of the San Antonio de Petrel hacienda, and between 1891 and 1892 was the Subdelegate of the 13th Subdelegation of San Fernando Department, which comprised the district of Cáhuil.

Petrel Lake

It is named after the hacienda San Antonio de Petrel, located nearby Pichilemu.

see also