
6 unusual facts about Haggadah

Aaron Margalita

Travelling to Berlin, he denounced the Haggadah as containing blasphemies against Christianity, causing Frederick I of Prussia temporarily to suspend sales of a recently published edition of the Midrash Rabbah, until a theological investigation had officially pronounced it harmless.


These two scholars are the first whose sayings are recorded in the Haggadah (Mek., Beshallaḥ, iii.36, ed. Weiss.).

Aviva Cantor

It is a gender- and generation-inclusive Haggadah in non-sexist English containing all the memorable traditional elements of the seder plus poetry and prose about the Exodus, Israel, the Soviet Jewry movement, struggles for justice, the Holocaust and Resistance, and the American union movement.

Biblical gloss

Frequently, too, they adopt paraphrastic renderings to avoid the most marked anthropomorphisms of the text before them: while at times they seem to be guided in their additions by the Halacha and Haggadah.

Josua Heschel Kuttner

That work contains a philosophical discussion of the thirteen articles of belief of Maimonides, and extracts from the Haggadah and writings of ancient philosophers.

Leser Landshuth

His essay on the Pesaḥ Haggadah (Berlin, 1855) and the introduction to the "Ma'abar Yabboḳ," a handbook of the funeral customs of the Jews, are along similar lines ("Vollständiges Gebet- und Andachtsbuch zum Gebrauche bei Kranken und Sterbenden," Berlin, 1867).

Heinrich Guggenheimer

In 1995 Heinrich Guggenheimer presented his A Scholar’s Haggadah, which makes a bilingual comparison of variances in the traditions of Passover observance.

James S. Snyder

Under Snyder's direction, the museum has made important acquisitions, among them the Beth Shean Venus (3rd Century CE); the First Nuremberg Haggadah, Germany (ca. 1449); Nicolas Poussin’s Destruction and Sack of the Temple of Jerusalem (1625); Rembrandt van Rijn’s St. Peter in Prison (1631); Jackson Pollock’s Horizontal Composition (1949); the Arturo Schwarz Collection of Dada and Surrealist Art; and Olafur Eliasson’s Your Activity Horizon (2004).

Rabbi Ishmael

Thus, his name became permanently associated with the halakha; but in the province of the Haggadah also, it occupies a prominent place (Mo'ed Katan, 28b).

Szyk Haggadah

Ultimately, the publishing house Beaconsfield Press was founded in London in 1937 for the express purpose of publishing The Szyk Haggadah.

The Haggadah was dedicated to King George VI of England, who received one of the first copies.

Upon official release of the 1940 vellum edition, which was limited to 250 numbered copies and sold for US$500, The Szyk Haggadah was cited by The Times of London as "worthy to be placed among the most beautiful of books that the hand of man has produced".

Uh! Oh!

Uh! Oh! Passover (full title: Uh! Oh! Haggadah: With Hidden Objects You'll (Almost) Never Find) (1994, Janet Zwebner) (ISBN 9654650037)

see also