
5 unusual facts about Hajjah

Al-Mahdi Muhammad bin al-Mutahhar

After al-Mutawakkil's death in Hajjah in 1298, al-Mahdi Muhammad claimed the succession, although the imamate was not strictly speaking hereditary.

Al-Mansur al-Qasim

Then, however, the emir of the important stronghold Hajjah in the western mountains chose to support al-Qasim.

Al-Mutawakkil al-Mutahhar bin Yahya

This time the mountainous trench of the imam was overrun, and he had to roam around from place to place, eventually establishing himself in Hajjah.

Muhammad al-Badr

Meanwhile Sayf al-Islam Ahmad had managed to get away from Taizz and made for Hajjah, where he gathered the tribes around him, proclaimed himself Imam with the title of al-Nasir and within a month of the assassination had easily regained control of Sana'a and executed the principal perpetrators of the rebellion.

Yemeni parliamentary election, 1997

In two districts, Hajjah and Dhamar the results were cancelled due to irregularities.


Hajjah |

Chen Shucheng

His elder sister is Datin Paduka Hajjah Fatimah Abdullah, Johor's first and former high ranking female civil servant in the state government.

Nusaybah bint Ka'ab

Faisal Tehrani named the central figure of his novel 1511HKombat as Hajjah Nusaybah.

Sultanah Kalsom binti Abdullah

Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom binti Abdullah (née Anita) is the current Sultanah of Pahang and second wife of Sultan Ahmad Shah.

Ti-Ratana Welfare Society

In 1996, a three-storey building was acquired through the generosity of a donor and the Ti-Ratana Children's Home was declared open by the National Unity and Social Welfare Minister YB Datuk Paduka Hajjah Zaleha bte Ismail on 21 June 1997.

see also