
unusual facts about Hans Sachs

Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Major psychoanalysts who have been associated with the institute include Franz Alexander, Hans Sachs, Helene Deutsch, Felix Deutsch, Hans and Greta Bibring, Ives Hendrix, and more recently Philip Holzman and Arnold Modell.

Gwynne Howell

His roles have included most of the major bass roles of the Verdi and Wagner repertories, such as: Miller, Sparafucile, Ferrando, Padre Guardiano, Phillip II, Landgrave, Hans Sachs, Gurnemanz, etc.

Jakob Ayrer

As a dramatist, Ayrer is virtually the successor of Hans Sachs, but he came under the influence of the so-called Englische Komodianten, that is, troupes of English actors, who, at the close of the 16th century and during the 17th, repeatedly visited the Continent, bringing with them the repertory of the Elizabethan theatre.

Robert Lembke

Lembke was, from 1961 to his death in 1989, game show host of What's My Line? (with Hans Sachs, actress Marianne Koch, Annette von Aretin and Guido Baumann).

see also

Clarence Whitehill

He was especially acclaimed in such taxing Wagnerian parts as Hans Sachs in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, but he also appeared in the Met premiere of the French operas Louise (in 1921) and Pelléas et Mélisande (in 1925), and in the North American premiere of Erich Wolfgang Korngold's one-act opera Violanta (on 5 November 1927).

Mario Ancona

Ancona also undertook roles composed by Leoncavallo (Silvio and Tonio), Puccini (Lescaut and Marcello), Mascagni (Alfio and David in L'amico Fritz), Giordano (Gerard in Andrea Chénier), Mozart (Don Giovanni and Figaro) and Wagner (Wolfram, Telramund and even, on occasion, Hans Sachs).

Sylvia Payne

She went to Berlin, where she underwent analysis with Hans Sachs and got to know Karl Abraham.