The definitive symbol for the cause, he has been documented in countless Hansard transcripts in provincial legislatures across the country, as well as the federal Parliament and Senate.
An interesting reference to this practice is found in Hansard, the British parliamentary record, during the debate on the Licensing Bill (Lords) in Standing Committee D, on 8 May 2003.
In February 1979, he was appointed by The Bahamas government to the post of editor of the Hansard.
Born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany, he migrated to Australia as a child and was educated at state schools in Toowoomba before becoming a Hansard reporter, a journalist and the proprietor of the Gympie Times.
He made a speech in the House of Lords that was considered so outlandish that to this day it is the only speech unrecorded by Hansard.
Lord Moyne has spoken in support of the Falun Gong movement in China since it was banned there in 1999, as reported in Hansard.
Luke Hansard (July 5, 1752 – October 29, 1828) was an English printer, born in St Mary's parish, Norwich, who gave his name to Hansard, the record of Parliamentary debate, which he printed.
At the passing of the bill Hansard shows MPs spoke warmly of the Ngati Mutunga positive contribution to bringing to an end the grievances with the Crown, although Maori party MP Te Ururoa Flavell, speaking in Maori only, said that he believed Ngati Mutunga had been given a poor deal by the Crown who he called thieves.
In his book "Nice Work: The Continuing Scandal Of Canada's Senate", journalist and author Claire Hoy wrote that the late Philippe Gigantes, during a filibuster in the Senate, read one of his books into the record; another senator suggested that he did this to get the work translated into French by parliamentary staff responsible for Hansard.
Thomas Curson Hansard (1776–1833) was the son of the printer Luke Hansard.
In 1829, he added his own name to the parliamentary proceedings, giving it the title Hansard that it bears to this day.
Hansard | Glen Hansard | Luke Hansard |
He scoured Hansard, gossip columns, vote papers and committee reports to compile his profiles of the personnel of the U.K. Parliament and assessed their character traits, history, opinions and psychological drives.
Hansard records a petition to the House of Lords on 14 May 1846 by "Thomas William Dawson, on behalf of the Church and Congregation of Protestant Dissenters of Bethlehem Chapel, Richmond, in favour of the Charitable Trusts Bill".
No further attempts had ever been made to prevent the publication of Parliamentary debates, facilitating the emergence of Hansard, until May 2009 when Carter Ruck (a controversial law firm) attempted to stop The Guardian newspaper from reporting a question asked in the House by Paul Farrelly MP, or to report that it had received such an injunction.
When Kilfoyle found himself increasingly distanced from the policy agenda of Prime Minister Tony Blair and he chose to resign from Government, Hansard quotes him as saying that he wished to return to the back benches but remain a "critical friend" of the Government.
Captain Nathan Hansard is an officer of the United States Army in the near future, when a machine has been developed to transmit matter instantly.
He was elected member of parliament for the borough of Gatton, continuing to hold this seat until 1812, although Hansard does not record he made any contributions to the House.
Thomas Jones Howell, William Cobbett, David Jardine A complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors from the earliest period to the year 1783, Volume 23 T. C. Hansard for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817.
Among those whose friendship Hansard won in the exercise of his profession were Robert Orme, Burke and Dr Johnson; while Porson praised him as the most accurate printer of Greek.
The promptitude and accuracy with which Hansard printed parliamentary papers were often of the greatest service to government—notably on one occasion when the proof-sheets of the report of the Secret Committee on the French Revolution were submitted to Pitt twenty-four hours after the draft had left his hands.
Following the Black Death there was a change of ownership of the manor to the Neville family by 1367, but in 1391 Robert Hansard claimed it back.
He then moved to Star 102.1 WWST in 2001 where he is currently the host of the Marc & Kim and Frank show with Kim Hansard and Frank Murphy.