Set in 1941, the movie explores life in rural bengal, the realities of the Zamindari system that was responsible for much of the social inequalities in bengal, as well as the changes in social perceptions with time.
The local name of a sickle-shaped curve in the river inspired the title of the novel Hansuli Banker Upakatha (Story of the Sickle-shaped Curve) by Tarashankar Bandopadhyay, made into a film by Tapan Sinha.
Coldwell Banker | William Paterson (banker) | The Lady Banker | MR 0-10-0 Lickey Banker | Michael Fay (banker) | American Banker | Thomas Cochran (banker) | The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King | The Banker | The Asian Banker | Stephen Green (banker) | Samuel Ward (banker) | Nicholas Biddle (banker) | Li Ming (banker) | John Wilkes (banker) | John Stewart (Australian banker) | James Crosby (banker) | James Brown (merchant banker) | Hansuli Banker Upakatha | Gamaliel Bradford (banker) | Émile Moreau (banker) | Edward Banker Willis | David Leavitt (banker) | banker's draft |