
4 unusual facts about Harald Berntsen

Harald Berntsen

He joined Kjell Hovden in the Kommunistisk Arbeiderforbund in 1971, and was named to the central council of the Kommunistisk Universitetslag (KUL) during the 1970s, when KUL grew to become the student branch of the Kommunistisk Arbeiderforbund.

Statsministerkuppet: Gerhardsen mot Nygaardsvold: en politisk thriller om maktkampen i mai–junidagene 1945 som skulle endre Norge (2006)

Berntsen later became a leader in the extreme left environment at Blindern.


In the reminiscing book UT. Fra en oppvekst i forrige århundre by historian Harald Berntsen, portrayals are given of incidents and milieus in Herøya, from the time when his family moved there in 1951 (from downtown Porsgrunn), just before he was to begin school, and until 1960.

see also