
3 unusual facts about Harbel

Firestone Natural Rubber Company

In November 2005, the International Labor Rights Fund, representing "tappers" (workers who extract latex from rubber trees) on the Liberian plantation, filed an Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) case in US District Court in California against Bridgestone (parent company owning Firestone), alleging “forced labor, the modern equivalent of slavery”, on the Firestone Plantation in Harbel, Liberia.


It lies along the Farmington River, about 15 miles upstream from the Atlantic Ocean.

Kelefa Diallo

He was a graduate of the University of Conakry and an army school in Thies, Senegal. He and several military officials were killed on February 11, 2013, when their CASA 235 crashed near the town of Charlesville, near Harbel, Liberia, about 8 kilometers away from Roberts International Airport.


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