
unusual facts about Harebell


Ashworth's Rustic

There are many larval foodplants, usually low growing plants, including Common Rock-rose, Wild Thyme, Sheep's Sorrel, Harebell, Salad Burnet, Bell heather, Goldenrod, Lady's Bedstraw, Creeping Willow and Foxglove.

Lawrence Barrett

Among his many and varied parts may be mentioned Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Shylock, Richard III, Wolsey, Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing, Richelieu, David Garrick, Hernani, Alfred Evelyn, Lanciotto in George Henry Bokers (1823–1890) Francesca da Rimini, and Janies Harebell in The Man o' Airlie.

Upper Piney Lake Trail

In summer, the aspen meadows along Piney River are filled with the blooms of red columbine, Aquilegia elegantula; lambstongue groundsel, Senecio integerrimus; lovage or osha, Ligusticum porteri; common harebell, Campanula rotundifolia; and wild rose, Rosa woodsii.

see also