Fellow | fellow | Fellow of the American College of Surgeons | My Fellow Americans | Harkness Ballet | Harkness Fellowship | Edward Harkness | William Harkness | Stubborn Kind of Fellow | Ruth Harkness | Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry | Fellow of King's College London | Captain Jack Harkness | That Stubborn Kinda Fellow | Rosa 'Ena Harkness' | Ricardo Gil Lavedra (''third from left'') joins fellow presiding judges of the 1985 Trial of the Juntas in receiving the Bicentennial Medal from Mayor Mauricio Macri | OSA Fellow | León Arslanián (''middle'') joins fellow presiding judges of the 1985 Trial of the Juntas in receiving the Bicentennial Medal from Mayor Mauricio Macri | Kenneth Harkness | James Harkness | Harkness Tower | 'Ena Harkness' | Deborah Harkness's | Deborah Harkness |
Penney accepted a Commonwealth Fund Fellowship and first traveled to United States where he became foreign research associate at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, returning to England soon after.