He was the author of numerous refereed publications, a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and the SPIE.
Fellow | fellow | Fellow of the American College of Surgeons | My Fellow Americans | Osa Peninsula | OSA | Stubborn Kind of Fellow | Martin and Osa Johnson | Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry | Fellow of King's College London | That Stubborn Kinda Fellow | Ricardo Gil Lavedra (''third from left'') joins fellow presiding judges of the 1985 Trial of the Juntas in receiving the Bicentennial Medal from Mayor Mauricio Macri | OSA Fellow | Osa de la Vega | Osa | León Arslanián (''middle'') joins fellow presiding judges of the 1985 Trial of the Juntas in receiving the Bicentennial Medal from Mayor Mauricio Macri | 9K33 Osa |