In addition to her own work, Flower became known for her friendships including those with William Johnson Fox, Robert Browning, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor.
Flower and Fox were friends with unmarried couple, politician and philosopher John Stuart Mill and women's rights advocate Harriet Taylor.
Harriet Hardy, birth name of Harriet Taylor Mill (1807–1858), English philosopher and women's rights advocate
Harriet Taylor Mill, a 19th century philosopher and women's rights advocate
Elizabeth Taylor | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | James Taylor | Taylor Swift | Harriet Beecher Stowe | John Stuart Mill | Taylor | Billy Taylor | Lord & Taylor | Zachary Taylor | Mill Hill Missionaries | John Taylor | Charles Taylor | Harriet Tubman | Cecil Taylor | Steve Taylor | Rod Taylor | Mick Taylor | Lawrence Taylor | Taylor Dayne | Creed Taylor | William Desmond Taylor | steel mill | Robert Taylor | Graham Taylor | Sam Taylor-Wood | Robert Taylor (actor) | Mill Creek Entertainment | Mill Creek | Livingston Taylor |