Also for Sport Relief band member Harry Judd travelled to India with a collection of other British celebrities including presenter and comedian Nick Hancock and radio DJ and presenter Chris Evans.
(While filming the movie Just My Luck, tabloids published articles reporting that McFly drummer Harry Judd had a romantic relationship with her.
Harry Potter | Harry S. Truman | Harry Belafonte | Harry Turtledove | Debbie Harry | Judd Apatow | Harry Reid | Harry Nilsson | Prince Harry | Harry Houdini | Harry Hill | Harry | Donald Judd | Harry Chapin | Harry Secombe | Ashley Judd | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | Harry Bridges | Harry James | Harry Connick, Jr. | Harry Redknapp | Harry Morgan | Harry Langdon | Harry Hopkins | Dirty Harry | Wynonna Judd | Harry Saltzman | Harry Partch | Harry Potter (film series) | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 |